AES ASP » Arcata Elementary After School

Arcata Elementary After School



The Arcata Elementary After School Program strives to provide students with enriching activities that can be applied to practical life skills and to help enhance fine and gross motor skills. We offer many learning activities in order to keep students engaged as well as additional services such as providing extra support and assistance in their school work. Each day we offer nutritious FREE meals known as “Super Snack” within our program.

The program is funded by a state grant therefore the program is currently free for everyone. In this program we serve children in grades TK-5th. Due to the nature of our funding, all participants are strongly encouraged to attend every day.




To begin the application and enrollment process for Arcata Elementary Afterschool Program you MUST contact the program director first. You may contact the program director by calling (707)-826-1915 during normal operating school hours. You may also contact the program director by email directly at [email protected].



*Para servicios en Español pregunta por Jose o envíe un correo electrónico @ [email protected]