Late Bus Schedule » Late Bus Schedule

Late Bus Schedule


Arcata After School Program Bus Route


4:50 Departs from Arcata Elementary School

4:55 Stewart and Chestnut

4:57 Wyatt and 27th St.

4:59 2527 27th St.

5:06 Meadowbrook Apt.

5:08 Depart From Sunny Brae Middle School

5:11 Turn out on Samoa, Before Union St.

5:13 South G St. At Chan's

5:15 South G St. At H St. 


Turn around at the Arcata Marsh 

5:17 South G St. @ 150

5:18 CVS Drugstore and F St. 

5:20 12th and J St. 

5:22 Arcata Pool and 16th St. 

5:26 11th and Q St. 

5:27 11th and Villa Way

5:28 Blakeslee

5:32 Stewart and Chestnut

5:34 Wyatt and 27th St. 

5:36 2527 27th St. 


5:40 Depart from Arcata Elementary School (Van)

5:55 Youngs Lane

5:58 Manila Market (Salvage Yard)

6:10 Return to Terminal